This is my method for executing big hairy data led layouts using only a html template and one swift file. If GitHub is your thing, the files and this post are there also.
Todays web design process goes something like this:
There's a lot of suck in here. Lets remove some.
We are going to write a script in swift to take a html template and inject some data. This way you can test how your design will hold up with extreme title lengths, or change heading sizes and see it reflect across the layout, increase the amount of data by factors and see it all for real on a device. In short, I don't think it is possible to design well in a static paradigm when the final product exists in a dynamic state.
The objective is to get to step six as soon as possible so more time is spent polishing a design than getting it over the line. Swift tries to be friendly, so if you have not written a lot of code you should still find it readable. If you've ever done some wordpress or janked around in myspace - you got this.
You want some data that repeats. If it's a layout design this will happen as part of your UX process, you'll identify points of data and what importance should be where. In this example we'll use Pokemon. So name
, type
, dex entry
Pull together some bare bones HTML - this depends on the fidelity of your prototype and your html chops. If you are purely messing with layout at different breakpoints you can get away with less. Although I don't think defining some good css typography should be beyond any designer today.
But to get started, this is enough:
The %@
is the magic incarnation. Swift can target that and inject our content.
Make a swift file. You can make this in any text editor. Xcode will give you helpful syntax highlighting, or if you are sadistic you can use vim. Nano is used here for variety. Also, command line stuff is dope.
nano assemble.swift
Then we need to import the Foundation framework, which is one line:
import Foundation
Structs. Think of this like a template for data, you define the slots and what shape they are: Numbers, Strings, Dates.
As Swift is type safe you need to be upfront about what goes where.
struct Pokemon {
var name: String
var number: Int
var type = [String]() // Pokemon can have many types, so use an array
var dexEntry: String
And start defining some content like this:
var venusaur = Pokemon(name: "Venusaur", number: 1, type: ["Grass", "Poison"], dexEntry: "It can go for days without eating a single morsel. In the bulb on its back, it stores energy.")
var charmander = Pokemon(name: "Charmander", number: 4, type: ["Fire"], dexEntry: "The flame at the tip of its tail makes a sound as it burns. You can only hear it in quiet places.")
var squirtle = Pokemon(name: "Squirtle", number: 7, type: ["Water"], dexEntry: "Shoots water at prey while in the water. Withdraws into its shell when in danger.")
A content loop. Create an array, and feed it all the structs we created. Then step through each Pokemon in the array and create some html - this is what we will inject into the html template.
// 3. An array of data for us to use
var pokemonArray = [venusaur, charmander, squirtle]
// 4. Build some content by adding strings, and then returning it for use elsewhere
func assembleTeam() -> String {
var content = ""
for pokemon in pokemonArray {
var name = "\t<h2>%@</h2>\n"
name = String(format: name,
var number = "\t<p>%@</p>\n"
number = String(format: number, String(pokemon.number))
var entry = "\t<p>%@</p>\n"
entry = String(format: entry, String(pokemon.dexEntry))
return content
Don't be intimidated. Nearly done. This snippet is receiving the content
the function above returns and looks for template.html
which contains the magic %@
incarnation - it then swaps %@
for our content
and writes out index.html
// 5. Feed some content to be injected into a template
func writeTemplate(content: String) {
// the location of our template containing '%@'
let path = String(NSString(string:"template.html"))
do {
let template = try String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
let file = String("output.html") // the file we will export
do {
try content.write(toFile: file, atomically: false, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
print ("🔥 boom. successfully wrote: \(file)")
catch {
print ("🤨 dang. unable to write \(file)")
} catch {
print("🤨 can't find \(path)")
Then we call the function we just wrote and give it some content to parse:
// This function will write index.html using template.html as it's source, and calling assembleTeam() to return a string of content
writeTemplate(content: assembleTeam())
Save and close your swift file and we're kind of done. All being well you can run this from your command line and it will write output.html
swift assemble.swift
For clean codes sake all this happens in the directory the script is being executed from. Github has fancy code highlighting and you can download the files.
I've tried to keep this as self contained as possible, but if anything has gone whoosh feel free to HMU on twitter or insta.
At this point we have an array of data that can be any length we wish, and a way to render it in html. Now we are free to get on with essential tasks like tweaking spacing between cells and finding the perfect shade of pink for all devices. 👙
Depending on the fidelity of your prototype you can hand that over, or you can take your learnings and document them with confidence in your design app of choice. You can also use this to A/B test layouts, or stress test a design against extreme content without manually producing iterations for multiple breakpoints.
They have worked for the likes of Nike, Vodafone, Sky, Disney and Pearsons, won awards from Promax, BAFTAs, the Appys and The Drum. Spoken at The Waldorf and Southampton University - despite swearing like a sailor. Available for hire to draw pretty curves and code clever things.
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